西田 直樹(NISHIDA Naoki)

Naoki Nishida(西田 直樹)


名古屋大学 大学院情報学研究科 情報システム学専攻 計算論講座 准教授

Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Software Systems, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University


Doctor of Engineering

Postal Address
〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 4648601, Japan
IB電子情報館南棟5階 589
Room 589, IB south building
052-789-5141 業務に関係しない電話,お断り!!
nishida [at] i.nagoya-u.ac.jp
naoki.nishida [at] nagoya-u.jp
Homepage (Personal)
Nagoya University Profiles of Researchers



September 1st, 2024
Added publications in 2022.
October 8th, 2023
Renewed this page.


Research Topics





  1. Naoki Nishida,
    Transformational Approach to Inverse Computation in Term Rewriting,
  2. Naoki Nishida,
    Transformational Approach to Inverse Computation in Term Rewriting,
    PhD thesis, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, January 2024.


Journals (2022 - )

  1. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    A Sufficient Condition of Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems for Decidability of All-path Reachability Problems with Constant Destinations,
    Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 32, pp. 417-435, May 2024.

  2. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    Reducing Non-Occurrence of Specified Runtime Errors to All-Path Reachability Problems of Constrained Rewriting,
    Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Vol. 135, 19 pages, October 2023.

  3. Shujun Zhang and Naoki Nishida,
    Transforming orthogonal inductive definition sets into confluent term rewrite systems,
    Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Vol. 127, pp. 1-17, May 2022.


International Conferences and Workshops (2022 -)

  1. Takahito Aoto, Naoki Nishida, and Jonas Schöph,
    Equational Theories and Validity for Logically Constrained Term Rewriting,
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2024),
    LIPIcs, Vol. 299, pp. 31:1-31:21, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2024.

  2. Cyrille Chenavier and Naoki Nishida,
    Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Confluence,
    IWC 2024, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2024.

  3. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    On Proving Confluence of Concurrent Programs by All-Path Reachability of LCTRSs,
    Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2024), pp. 2-8, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2024.

  4. Ayuka Matsumi, Naoki Nishida, Misaki Kojima, and Donghoon Shin,
    On Singleton Self-Loop Removal for Termination of LCTRSs with Bit-Vector Arithmetic,
    Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2023), 6 pages, Obergurgl, Austria, August 2023.

  5. Takahito Aoto, Nao Hirokawa, Dohan Kim, Misaki Kojima, Aart Middeldorp, Fabian Mitterwallner, Naoki Nishida, Teppei Saito, Jonas Schöpf, Kiraku Shintani, René Thiemann and Akihisa Yamada,
    A New Format for Rewrite Systems,
    Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2023), pp. 32-37, Obergurgl, Austria, August 2023.

  6. Naoki Nishida, Misaki Kojima, and Ayuka Matsumi,
    A Nesting-Preserving Transformation of SIMP Programs into Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems,
    Informal Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2023), 11 pages, Rome, Italy, July 2023.

  7. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    On Representations of Waiting Queues for Semaphores in Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems,
    Informal Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2023), 6 pages, Rome, Italy, July 2023.

  8. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    From Starvation Freedom to All-Path Reachability Problems in Constrained Rewriting,
    Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2023),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13880, pp. 161-179, Springer, Cham, Boston, USA, January 2023.

  9. Naoki Nishida and Misaki Kojima,
    CO3 (Version 2.3),
    Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2022), page 63, August 2022.

  10. Raúl Gutiérrez, Aart Middeldorp, Naoki Nishida, and Kiraku Shintani,
    Confluence Competition 2022,
    Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2022), page 54, August 2022.

  11. Shujun Zhang and Naoki Nishida,
    On Transforming Rewriting-Induction Proofs for Logical-Connective-Free Sequents into Cyclic Proofs,
    Informal Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2022), 14 pages, July 2022.

  12. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    On Reducing Non-Occurrence of Specified Runtime Errors to All-Path Reachability Problems of Constrained Rewriting,
    Informal Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2022), 16 pages, July 2022.

  13. Naoki Nishida, Misaki Kojima, and Takumi Kato,
    On Transforming Imperative Programs into Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems via Injective Functions from Configurations to Terms,
    Informal Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2022), 16 pages, July 2022.

  14. Shujun Zhang and Naoki Nishida,
    On Transforming Cut- and Quantifier-Free Cyclic Proofs into Rewriting-Induction Proofs,
    Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS 2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13215, pp. 262-281, Springer, May 2022.


Domestic Events (2022 -)

  1. 平等 望,西田 直樹,酒井 正彦,
    令和6年度電気・電子・情報関係学会東海支部連合大会講演論文集, No. H6-4,1ページ,2024年8月.
  2. Nozomi Taira, Naoki Nishida, and Masahiko Sakai,
    On completeness of decomposion of equations with disjunctive constraints on provability of constrained rewriting induction,
    Record of 2024 Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering, No. H6-4, 1 page, August 2024.

  3. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    A Sufficient Condition of Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems for Decidability of All-Path Reachability Problems with Constant Destinations,
    情報処理学会・第146回プログラミング研究発表会, 発表資料 2023-3-(1),17ページ,2023年10月.
  4. Misaki Kojima and Naoki Nishida,
    A Sufficient Condition of Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems for Decidability of All-Path Reachability Problems with Constant Destinations,
    Presentation at the 146th Meeting on IPSJ Special Interest Group on Programming, No. 2023-3-(1), 17 pages, October 2023.

  5. 松見 歩佳,西田 直樹,小嶋 美咲,申東訓,
    電子情報通信学会技術報告 SS2022-61,Vol.122,No.432,pp.85-90,2023年3月.
  6. Ayuka Matsumi, Naoki Nishida, Misaki Kojima, and Donghoon Shin,
    On Polynomial Interpretations Toward Termination of Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems with Bit Vector Arithmetic,
    IEICE Technical Report SS2022-61, Vol.122, No.432, pp.85-90, March 2023 (in Japanese).

  7. 熊谷 妃美香,西田 直樹,
    情報処理学会第83回全国大会講演論文集, No. 1L-05, pp. 271-272, 2022年3月.
  8. Himika Kumagai and Naoki Nishida,
    Implementing Determinization of Term Rewrite Systems via Equivalence of Context-Free Expressions toward Program Inversion,
    Record of the 84th National Convention of IPSJ, No. 1L-05, pp. 271-272, March 2022 (in Japanese).

  9. 加藤 拓洋,西田 直樹,酒井 正彦,
    信学技法 SS2021-34, Vol. 121, No. 318, pp. 89-94,電子情報通信学会,2022年1月.
  10. Takumi Kato, Naoki Nishida, and Masahiko Sakai,
    On Constrained Rewrite Rules Representing Semantics Rules of LLVM IR,
    IEICE Technical Report SS2021-34, Vol. 121, No. 318, pp. 89-94, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), January 2022 in Japanese).


Invited Talks

  1. Naoki Nishida,
    Unravelings and Narrowing Trees Towards Confluence of Deterministic CTRSs,
    the 12th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2023), Obergurgl, Austria, August 2023.


Oral Presentations (2022 -)

  1. Naoki Nishida and Misaki Kojima,
    CO3 (Version 2.5),
    Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2024), pp. 71-72, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2024.

  2. Naoki Nishida and Misaki Kojima,
    CRaris: CR checker for LCTRSs in ARI Style,
    Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2024), pp. 83-84, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2024.

  3. Naoki Nishida,
    On Constrained Narrowing of Logically Constrained Term Rewrite Systems,
    the 59th TRS meeting, Izumo, September 2023.

  4. Naoki Nishida, Misaki Kojima, Ayuka Matsumi,
    CO3 (Ver. 2.4),
    Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2023), p. 67, Obergurgl, Austria, August 2023.

  5. Naoki Nishida,
    On Transforming Imperative Programs into LCTRSs via Injective Functions from Configurations to Terms,
    Presentation at the 57th TRS Meeting, September 2022.

  6. Naoki Nishida and Misaki Kojima,
    CO3 (Version 2.3),
    Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Confluence, p. 63, August 2022.

  7. Naoki Nishida,
    Inversion and Determinization in Term Rewriting,
    Presentation at the meeting of IFIP Working Group 1.6: Rewriting, July 2022.

  8. Naoki Nishida,
    On Semantically Equivalent Operations for Inversion of DCTRSs,
    Presentation at the 56th TRS Meeting, February 2022.








Educational Background

平成5年(1993年)4月 富山県立砺波高等学校 入学
平成8年(1996年)3月 富山県立砺波高等学校 卒業
平成8年(1996年)4月1日 名古屋大学工学部電気電子・情報工学科 入学
平成12年(2000年)3月27日 名古屋大学工学部電気電子・情報工学科 卒業 March 27th, 2000 BSc (Engineering), Department of Information Engineering, School of Engineering, Nagoya Univeristy
平成12年(2000年)4月1日 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科博士課程前期課程計算理工学専攻 入学
平成14年(2002年)3月25日 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科博士課程前期課程計算理工学専攻 修了 March 25th, 2002 MSc (Engineering), Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
平成14年(2002年)4月1日 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科博士課程後期課程情報工学専攻 進学
平成16年(2004年)3月25日 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科博士課程後期課程情報工学専攻 短縮修了 March 25th, 2004 PhD (Engineering), Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univeristy


Academic Career

平成16年(2004年)4月1日〜平成19年(2007年)3月31日 名古屋大学大学院情報科学研究科情報システム学専攻 助手 April 1st, 2004 - March 31st, 2007 Research Associate, Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
平成19年(2007年)4月1日〜平成25年(2013年)3月31日 名古屋大学大学院情報科学研究科情報システム学専攻 助教(職名変更) April 1st, 2007 - March 31st, 2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University (due to job title change)
平成22年(2010年)7月1日〜平成22年(2010年)12月26日 バレンシア工科大学客員研究員 July 1st, 2010 - December 26th, 2010 Visiting Researcher, DSIC, Technical University of Valencia
平成25年(2013年)4月1日〜平成29年(2017年)3月31日 名古屋大学大学院情報科学研究科情報システム学専攻 准教授 April 1st, 2013 - March 31st, 2017 Associate Professor, Department of Information Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
平成29年(2017年)4月1日〜現在 名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科情報システム学専攻 准教授(組織改編) April 1st, 2017 - current Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Software Systems, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University (due to organizational restructuring)


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